Make Way for Green Parking

ESPORG proposes definition, elements and method of calculating greenhouse gas emissions for safe and secure truck parking areas, opening the way for their voluntary green certification.

ESPORG, the organisation of safe and secure truck parkings in Europe, proposed to its members, partners and competent European and national authorities, a definition, elements and a guide on how to calculate greenhouse gas emissions by safe and secure truck parking areas. 

The proposal is based on the existing EU standards for safety, security and comfort for truck parkings adopted by the European Commission in 2022, whilst adding an additional layer of environmental considerations covering

  • Operations and management,
  • Environment,
  • Impact on local communities and stakeholders, and
  • Land use and building.

It also proposes guidelines for parking operators and their partners regarding the calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. 

Dirk Penasse, CEO of EPSORG, said: “We believe this is important work, which would allow truck parking standards to be raised to a new level, in line with the EU sustainable development objectives, but also to resolutely improve the acceptance of truck parking areas by the local communities and authorities, whilst at the same time, improving services offered to professional truck drivers.”

“On the basis of this seminal work, together with our members and partners from DEKRA, we will be working on a template for voluntary “green parking” standards, to be tested with leading truck parking operators, already certified according to the EU-Parking Standard and named winners of ESPORG’s Truck Parking Excellence Award in the last three years.”, concluded Dirk Penasse.

The presentation and explanatory note can be viewed below:

Green Truck Parking Definition

Carbon Footprint Basics

For more information, please contact Dirk Penasse, General Manager of ESPORG at

See also the winners of the ESPORG Excellence in Truck Parking Award: 2024: OnTurtle La Jonquera and TIP’s DELTA PARK Truck Secure Parking, 2023: mowiz TRUCK Astigarraga and 2022: Truck Etape Béziers.

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